Boogie for Bluerass 5k Run/Walk
Join us on 04/25/2025
(race date estimated)Boogie for Bluerass 5k Run/Walk Race Description
Musician’s Health and Wellness Retreat and 5K Planned at Pioneer Stage
GLENVILLE, WV – The Pioneer Stage will host a Musician’s Health and Wellness Retreat, as well as a “Boogie for Bluegrass 5K Walk/Run,” on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25.
The Musician’s Health and Wellness Retreat will include a series of workshops on nutrition, good posture, weightlifting, and making healthy choices. Blood pressure screenings, yoga sessions, and a chiropractor and massage therapist will be available as well. The workshop aims to promote good health, particularly to musicians, but is open to everyone. Free admission.
The health and wellness workshops will take place between 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. on Friday, followed by a concert featuring GSC alumni George Ward and Buddy Griffin at 8:00 p.m. at The Pioneer Stage. Admission to the concert is by donation.
Saturday morning, the “Boogie for Bluegrass 5K” will kick off with registration at 8:00 am and whistle blows at 8:30 am outside of the Pioneer Stage. Participants will follow the West Main Street to Sycamore Road, and then follow Sycamore Road to the Gilmer County Recreation Center playground before turning around and returning to the Pioneer Stage. Ribbons and medals will be awarded following the race.
Registration is $20 for adults, $15 for high school and college students. The deadline to register and receive a free t-shirt is Friday, April 17. Registration will be $25 while shirts last after April 17. Participation without a shirt $15.
For more information on the retreat or to register for the 5K walk/run, visit, follow us on Facebook, or visit the Pioneer Stage, Bluegrass Music Education Center at 10 East Main Street Glenville, West Virginia 26351. You may also register by contacting GSC Bluegrass Program Director, Megan E. Darby, Ed.D at 304.462.6355 or

- Location: Glenville, WV 26351
- Race Date: 2020/04/25 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Open to All

Boogie for Bluerass 5k Run/Walk Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Overcast.