Running race

Join us on 08/10/2024

(race date estimated)

Running race Description

Registration and qualification review: Participants are required to register for the competition within the specified time and submit relevant documents to prove that they are eligible for the competition. The Organizing committee will review the registration materials to ensure that the participants meet the competition requirements.

Collect race materials: Before the race, participants need to collect race materials, such as race bib, timing chip, etc. These materials will be used to record the results and identity information of the participants during the competition.

Competition group: According to the age, gender and performance of the participants, the organizing committee will divide the participants into different groups for competition. This helps ensure that the competition is fair and competitive.

Pre-race preparation: Before the start of the race, participants need to warm up to reduce the risk of injury. In addition, equipment needs to be checked to ensure that there are no surprises during the race.

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    Running race Where & When

  • Location: Hamilton, OH 45013
  • Race Date: 2023/08/10 10:00:00 AM (Thursday)
  • Categories:
    • Running race

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  • Clouds 74.8℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the Running race in August for a great race. The Running race works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review or contact us at:

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    Contact Information

    Shawna Snyder

    Running race - Disclaimer