Redleg 5K Charity Walk/Run
Join us on 12/03/2025
(race date estimated)Redleg 5K Charity Walk/Run Race Description
Redleg 5K is a charity race administered by Starkville's 2-114th Field Artillery National Guard unit. This race is intended to increase community relations and raise toy donations for children just in time for Christmas! Please participate and bring a toy or toys for donation to support children that may be less fortunate to receive for Christmas!
T-Shirts guaranteed with all registrations by Nov. 19, 2022. All registrants beyond this date can purchase t-shirts on the day of the event (limited quantities).

- Location: Starkville, MS 39759
- Race Date: 2022/12/03 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Red Leg Charity Run 5K

Redleg 5K Charity Walk/Run Where & When
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 - Apr 5th, 2025Starkville, MS Weather
Last year the weather condition was Light rain shower.