Donut Dash - NH Sneaker Brigade

Join us on 09/13/2025

Donut Dash - NH Sneaker Brigade Race Description


5k fun walk/run

Walkers will start at 8:15 AM and runners at 8:30 AM.   The start will be on Reailroad St. next to the Silsby Free Public Library. Water stop along route.  DONUTS at the end!!  Please see map for exact route.  Thank you for supporting the NH Sneaker Brigade. 

Early registration discount! 

Before 1.1.2025

$15 Runners and Walkers 

$12 Under 16

One Registration per special need youth 12 & under with their partner. ( pay for 1 reg - both participate)

$12 for Virtuals

First 20 LIVE Registrants will receive a free Donut Dash t-shirt!!

You might be asked for your size - this does not determine that you are the 1st 20. Bonus shirts will be awarded as available.


After 1.1.2025 until Race day:

$17 for adult walker /runners

$15 for U16



·        Volunteer to be the Sweeper and get free entry for next year

·        Volunteers get HALF off next year

Registration is open from 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Shop swag while you wait!


Fundraiser is to benefit:

Organization % of net funds Up to Max Amount
Silsby Library 20% $1,000
NH Sneaker Brigade 15% $500
Hike for mental Health 10% $500
Turning Points 7% $300
Valentines for Seniors 3% $300
Easter Baskets for Soup Kitchen 10% $350
Our Town Newspaper 10% $300
Arrowhead 5% $250
Area snowshoe night 5% $250
Fitness Sponsorships* 5% $250
Jointly Chosen Alstead/Acworth/Langdon area event or orgainization 3% $300
Jointly Chosen Springfield/Chester area event or organization 3% $300
Jointly chosen Newport/Cornish or Plainfield area event or organization 3% $300
Race supplies for next year 1% $500 1% $500


<10               11-15               16 - 20               21 - 30               21 - 40

41 - 50           51 - 60            61 - 70               >70                    Various fun categories


 - Service and well behaved, socialized, leashed doggos are welcome to attend.  (Anyone participating with a dog will start in the back of either the walker or runner categories ) Please clean up after your pets.

The NH Sneaker Brigade is a private not for profit Facebook Group of like minded individuals who promote fitness & health through physical activity.  Community service is encouraged and we have a "Just Be Nice People" program.  Our share of funds earned from this event will go towards service projects, gear to lend to members and fundraisers we participate in.

Get ready for the Donut Dash - NH Sneaker Brigade

Race Countdown

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add race to calendar    Add to my calendar 2025-09-13 08:15:00 2025-09-13 08:15:00 America/New_York Donut Dash - NH Sneaker Brigade Charlestown, NH Michelle Dole

    Donut Dash - NH Sneaker Brigade Where & When

  • Location: Charlestown, NH 03603
  • Race Date: 2025/09/13 08:15:00 AM (Saturday)

Donut Dash - NH Sneaker Brigade Sponsors


1/2 Marathoner

10K Racer

Munchkin Dasher

Wonderous Walkers

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Charlestown, NH Weather

Charlestown, NH current weather
  • Clouds 19.5℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the Donut Dash - NH Sneaker Brigade in September for a great race. The Donut Dash - NH Sneaker Brigade works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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