AIA Queen City Architecture 5K

Join us on 09/14/2025

(race date estimated)

AIA Queen City Architecture 5K Race Description

Results Can Be Found On Buffalo Runners. Please see link below:




ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES AT 5pm on Thursday September 12th. Walk-Up registration is available day-of-race. If you plan to walk-up please show up early to get through the process before the race begins. Please see packet pickup information below. That is where registration will occcur. Please bring cash only.


Join us September 14th for the Annual AIA Queen City Architecture 5K Race. Run or walk your way through the historic Downtown neighborhoods of Buffalo while learning about the buildings as you run/walk.  There is an after party at Other Half Brewing Company. All registered runners/walkers (21 and Older) will receive a free drink ticket. The First 125 participants will receive a performance t-shirt, sizes limited, so sign up early to get the size you want!


NEW THIS YEAR- There will be a front runner guide to allow for clear direction around the race course. 

This event is a charity fundraiser for Buffalo Public Schools.

The race will start at the Seneca One Tower at 10am. Bib pickup will open at 8:45am at the Other Half Brewing Company, located at the base of the Seneca One Tower. To access the area please use Washington Street at the corner of Seneca Street. See map below

Link to the Audio Companion


For more information see the link below:



      A|r - Architectural Resources

               Other Half Brewing Company                                        Architectural Resources

Get ready for the AIA Queen City Architecture 5K

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    AIA Queen City Architecture 5K Where & When

  • Location: Buffalo, NY 14212
  • Race Date: 2024/09/14 10:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • Runner
    • Walker

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  • Mist 28.2℉ Mist

  • Join us at the AIA Queen City Architecture 5K in September for a great race. The AIA Queen City Architecture 5K works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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