MARKETA’S JOURNEY WAIVER Marketa’s Journey Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Marketa’s Journey endeavors to conduct safe and enjoyable programs and activities designed to further the educational, motivational, and charitable objectives of Marketa’s Journey Inc. I, the below listed Participant, or as guardian of the participating minor(s) (“Participant” or “I”), desire to participate in program offerings by Marketa’s Journey Inc. In connection with my participation in the Marketa’s Journey event for which I have registered (“registered program”), I knowingly and voluntarily sign this Program Waiver in favor of Marketa’s Journey, its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors, and assigns (collectively “Marketa’s Journey”). I understand that my participation in the registered program with Marketa’s Journey will involve outdoor activities that may be strenuous and physically demanding, and there is a risk of serious injury. While Marketa’s Journey makes every effort to ensure that all appropriate safety precautions are taken, I understand that my participation in the registered program will inevitably involve inherent risks and hazards for which Marketa’s Journey cannot be held responsible. I expressly assume the risk of injury or harm related to my participation in the registered program with Marketa’s Journey. I, the Participant, release and forever discharge Marketa’s Journey all liability, claims, and demands of whatever nature, either in law or in equity, which arise or may hereafter arise from my participation in the registered with Marketa’s Journey. This expressly includes but is not limited to, claims relating to bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death, property damage, and aggravation of a pre-existing condition, among other claims. I, the Participant, release and forever discharge Marketa’s Journey from all liability, claims, and demands of whatever nature, either in law or in equity, which arises or may hereafter arise from any first-aid treatment or other medical services rendered in connection with, or as a result of, my participation in the registered program with Marketa’s Journey. Nothing herein shall be construed as waiving any rights, benefits, or entitlements any employees or agents of Marketa’s Journey may have, according to the New Jersey Good Samaritan Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:62A-1. I know no legal, physical, or health reason why I (or the participating minor(s)) cannot fully participate in the registered program. By signing this waiver, I am stating that I (or the participating minor(s)) am physically and psychologically fit and prepared for the registered program, and if at any time I have any doubts as to whether this is true, I agree to stop participating in the registered program immediately and inform Marketa’s Journey. Marketa’s Journey is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. If you need accommodation to participate in the registered program, please contact us at I waive and expressly grant Marketa’s Journey full rights to copyright, exhibit, and publish in any medium, including but not limited to editorial, illustration, promotion, advertising, Internet, or trade all photographic images and video or audio recordings taken by Marketa’s Journey and its agents of me (or the participating minor(s)) while participating in the registered program. I agree to receive marketing information via email about Marketa’s Journey programs, including the specific program for which I and/or my child/children are registered. I understand that nothing in this Program Waiver shall be construed as waiving any of Marketa’s Journey’s rights, benefits, or entitlements according to the New Jersey Charitable Immunity Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:53A-7. I understand that this Program Waiver is intended to be as inclusive as permissible by the State of New Jersey laws. I also understand that this Program Waiver shall be governed by and interpreted following the laws of the State of New Jersey. By signing this Program Waiver, I certify that I am 18 years of age or older or the legal guardian and/or parent of the minor(s) intending to participate in the registered program, with the authority to complete this Program Waiver on said minor’s behalf. If I am signing for a minor, all waivers, releases, assumptions of risk, terms of agreement, representations, acknowledgments, and certifications apply equally to the such minor(s). By signing this Program Waiver on behalf of a participating minor(s), I expressly permit for the participating minor(s) to be transported for approved program activities.