$0.00 Raised for Cross Roads Young Marines

Charity Goal: $5,000
Money Raised: $0.00

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About Cross Roads Young Marines

Who We Are
The Young Marines is a national non-profit 501c (3) youth education and service program for boys and girls, aged eight through the completion of high school. The Young Marines promotes the mental, moral and physical development of its members. The program focuses on teaching the values of leadership,  teamwork and self-discipline, so its members can live and promote a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
The Young Marines strengthens the lives of America’s youth by teaching the importance of self-confidence, academic achievement, honoring our veterans, good citizenship, community service, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. The Young Marines promotes the mental, moral, and physical development of its members.

Our History

In 1959 in Waterbury, Connecticut, several former Marines formed an organization for boys that would mirror the values of the Marine Corps. Their vision – to offer leadership training and other life skills – formed the bedrock of the organization known today as the Young Marines. Years later, the program is a highly respected youth organization, for boys and girls age eight through high school graduation, that has grown to over 264 units. Our focus, though, has remained the same: to strengthen the lives of America’s youth by teaching the importance of self-confidence, academic achievement, honoring our veterans, good citizenship, community service, and living a health, drug-free lifestyle. The core values - leadership, teamwork, and discipline - are well understood and practiced by all.  

Closing the Gate on Drugs
One of the pillars of the Young Marine program is to lead positive, drug free lifestyles...and to educate and encourage others to do the same.  Young Marines units are mandated to teach the standardized Project Alert curriculum.  The Project Alert curriculum focuses on the Gateway Drugs, but also stays current with drugs that affect our youth.  It also gives senior Young Marines the opportunity to become certified instructors and teach their younger Young Marines and peers. 
In addition to Project Alert, Young Marines participate year round in community projects and events that focus on reducing and eliminating drug abuse by our youth.  We encourage our adults and parents to stay educated on the drugs that affect our youth and to participate in and support our drug-free message.
The Young Marines “Closing the Gate on Drugs” initiative focuses our drug demand reduction efforts on raising awareness of  common gateway drugs (tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, prescription drugs and marijuana) that are either in homes or neighborhoods and are most often encountered and easily accessed by children and young adults.
